Monday, August 25, 2008

Staying Motivated Equals Greater Success

If goals are our pathways to personal success, then motivation is the fuel that keeps the car going! Just like fuel in a car, motivation may be high at the beginning of your journey, but as you move toward your goals, the peaks and valleys may impact your motivation levels.
People from all walks of life need to find motivation. You may be setting a personal goal for yourself, about to start a new job or just wanting to get up and do the laundry! Whatever the case, it is absolutely normal for everyone to have brief lapses in motivation, so don't be so hard on yourself. The important part is how you recover from these lapses; your ability to find inspiration and that drive to keep pushing on. The bottom-line is if you want to have a life of fulfillment and happiness, you need to be able to motivate yourself. But all too often that is easier said than done.
Lack of motivation is an overwhelming feeling that can kill your drive to complete a particular task, but don't let it!! The rewards of staying motivated far outweigh the silly reasons you may come up with to not complete a task. When you are able to motivate yourself you will find greater success in achieving all your goals and objectives. That satisfaction is truly awesome. Also, have you ever noticed that motivation is contagious? Another interesting by product of self motivation is the ability to motivate others. This is of great importance if you are a business owner, but can also be beneficial in many other settings and relationships. Most importantly once you tap into the secrets of staying motivated you will be able to use those skills to achieve all your goals, which will in turn lead to even greater success.
So maintain stock of the things that keep you motivated and do your inventory often. You will soon find that you are better able to achieve goals in all areas of your life. By: Victor Ghebre

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Motivational Quotes

More and more people are becoming motivated through other means. One of the most common ways a person can find motivation is through quotes from famous people from all walks of life. From people like Nelson Mandela to Muhammad Ali more and more people are relating themselves to senior figures who play a big part in influencing them and help motivate them. This article explores the different types of motivational quotes and their likely influence on an individual.
One of the most popular figures in giving lots of motivational quotes is none other than Martin Luther King JR. The following quote "If a man hasn't discovered something that he will die for, he isn't fit to live", is a prime example of the powerful influence of the quote. This quote is referring to the fact that society as a whole need to take advantage of their life and do something and make a name for themselves. Quotes like these can have a powerful effect on a person in helping them motivate them.
Another inspirational figure whose quotes are quite popular is the former Heavyweight Boxing champion Muhammed Ali whose quotes have inspired many people. One of the most popular quotes is "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee" which is a very motivational quote and has inspired many people.
Motivational speeches have helped many people to be successful in their fields. More and more people are using speeches from high profile leading individuals to motivate themselves. For example, leading figures such as Mother Theresa and Nelson Mandela have inspired people in many ways and have helped expert a powerful influence on today's society. Furthermore, these leading figures have helped motivate thousands of people on daily basis and have continued to inspire many young people. Therefore, motivational quotes will always play a key part in helping motivate people. (By: Imran Naseem).

Monday, May 26, 2008

motivation for success forever

Some people know what their motivation is, others may not have a clue. Being at such a young age it took me a while to find my motivation. Being a cocky young person, thinking I could take the world on made it hard to do. I always thought to myself, it's all about money or money is my motivation. That's really not it at all. I am not saying I do not need money or money cannot be a motivation but what I AM saying is that it can be much more than just that.

Through lots of experiences, learning, and lessons, I found myself thinking what if I could find a way to make my life great, work for myself on my own time, AND make money all at the same time. That was it, that was my motivation. Here I am working day by day at a normal paying job. It's good, I get paid, I have some leverage in money, but am I happy doing it? Not really. I would much rather enjoy doing what I love to do and make money doing it.

Some people may have different motivations than others but it is all still that thing that drives you to creating success. Think about it hard, find your motivation, use that as your fuel for success, and keep on trying. Failing is part of the process and without that motivation to keep you moving on, you may not go far.

Article Source: Brian_Boyer